Dr. Pushpa K R

Dermato Surgeon, Aesthetic Dermatologist

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Dr. Pushpa K R

Dermato Surgeon, Aesthetic Dermatologist

MBBS, MD (DVL) FRGUHS (Dermatosurgery)

Dr. Pushpa has loads of experience as a Dermatosurgeon, Dermatovenereologist and Aesthetic Dermatologist. She is of the firm belief that Skin deserves equal priority and care as much as the other organs of the body. The skin plays an extremely crucial role in the human body system and it needs extreme caution and care to prevent it from losing its graceful appearance.

Dr. Pushpa has excellent expertise in treating a wide range of skin disorders that include, Skin rashes, Hardening of the Skin, Hair Replacement and Hair growth. She has successfully treated complex skin diseases to the complete satisfaction of her patients. She is also excellent in conducting the Skin Biopsy procedure to diagnose and treat complicated skin conditions.

With an accommodative approach a passion to heal, Dr. Pushpa’s expertise has been a real asset to the department and Astra Hospital. Dr. Pushpa is well aware of newer skin care treatments which are consistently introduced and suggests the best possible treatment keeping all the risk factors in mind.

  • Dermatology
  • Cosmetology
  • Dermatosurgery
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